The lyric comedy "You are My Sunny" based on the story by Alexander Fain on the stage was directed by Pavel Ursul. At the heart of the plot is the age-old question: "What is more important: reason or feeling?". We tried to reveal the veil of secrecy in conversation with the author - playwright Alexander Fain. Asked leading questions to the director Paul Ursula, but the intrigue remained unresolved. But we managed to find out all about the characters of the main characters, whose roles are played by Sergei Belogolovtsev and Oleg Chernov. Held in the life of Nicholas falls in love with a young beauty Natalia. Their feelings are mutual, but because of the age difference prospects for their relationship are illusory and vague. What will happen to them in 10-15 years? How to find the right solution, and are there recipes and ready-made answers when Her Majesty Love enters into force?