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Purchased earlier: 6431
from 7000 rubles
Purchased earlier: 4136
from 1200 rubles
Purchased earlier: 29
from 1500 rubles
“ The fans of Oleg Nesterov will probably like it, I don’t really, although it looked theatrical. Rita Kronh sings beautifully
“ Very dark and strong, in some places
“ Very modern, one of the best performances of the Gogol Center is uniquely
“ I watched the performance before the movie, when I watched everything I found fault with, but after the movie I realized that the performance was brilliant, well, practically)
“ Thank you very much. The performance is wonderful, the impression is very good.
“ I really liked the play. Looked at the same breath despite the duration without intermission.
“ One of the best performances I've seen. Sharply, socially, boldly - but all on business. Thanks to the authors!
“ The play leaves the feeling of going to a good psychotherapist - very hard during the session, but then a sense of purity and, probably, kindness. After watching the movie "Idiots" (many years ago), such a shock did not feel. So, many thanks to the director and actors! But having bought tickets for this performance, one must be ready for hard mental work. I advise everyone!
“ Bravo "Gogol Center" and "The Theater of the Simple-minded" !!!
“ SUPER!!!! Thank you
“ A fierce, biting, honest performance, placing the right accents in the usual words, which, for some reason, are often mispronounced. Very much. Bravo!
“ Impressive ... Unusually ... Unusually .. Throttled to the depths of the soul ... At the end flowed tears ... ART with a capital letter. Thanks!
“ Thank you
“ Thank you for your work! I especially want to mention the third play. How hard it is to hear another person ... and it's almost impossible to rewind life back ... Thank you!
“ Perfectly!
“ Great performance! Goncharov for all time!
“ Great performance, beautiful, deep, piercing! Beautiful scenography and actors' play. Absolutely deservedly nominated for the Golden Mask Award. I recommend for teenagers and adults!
“ The performance is very unusual. Honestly, the plot is understood with difficulty. Those who wish should probably get acquainted with the original source. When you enter the hall, the head clings to the electric cartridges under tension, in which the actors will later turn on the bulbs on the move, and the main character hides under a pile of mattresses while the people sit down. Pleases the background soundscapes in the style of a live Spanish guitar performed by Raven. The play actually takes an hour and a half, and not two (without intermission). Worth seeing, I recommend.
“ I liked the performance! Not even the normative lexicon did not cut very much!
“ The performance is interesting, original, like most of the productions of Gogol Center. Excellent staging, talented actors.
“ A stunning performance for a stunning work! Serious, but incredibly funny. The actors play is great, everything is on the highest level.
“ I liked it very much
“ Great performance
“ Performance of a good average level. There are bright scenes, keep attention. Characters remarkably invented. Very impressive was the actor's work of Mikhail Troynik. Disappointed end of the play, it turned out vague. History is not invented.
“ Thank you, we really enjoyed it. We thought that 2.5 hours without intermission will be difficult, but the performance is very dynamic. Excellent production, special thanks for the music. Chic Nozdrev, all the characters are very juicy and archetypal. We were struck by One Byron, did not suspect such talents. 2.5 hours to keep the hall - just grandiose, and the text is to learn this is heroism. To all the participants of the performance, many thanks. We now advise everyone to go.
“ December 1, 2014, together with his wife were in the play "Dead Souls" staged by Kirill Serebrennikov. We are not fond of "nonclassical" productions of classical works. You can say, went to the director, although not all of his work like, meaning cinema. Great performance. A wonderful play of actors. We received great pleasure. All who are ready for the author's vision of the scenery, costumes, etc., (according to the text did not notice the deviations from the original), we recommend.
“ Were with my wife on 2.12.14. The level of the performance, starting with scenography, costumes, staging and ending with the play of actors - is a student performance. Coursework 3-4 courses, but definitely not graduate. We want to mention just one completely professional game of Mr. Gushchin. It looked like a teacher's participation in the course work. Previously, we have seen such works only in universities and even not always creative ones. Today they paid 5,300 for 2 tickets and lasted 1.5 hours out of 2. From Serebrennikov expected much more talent in scenography, and in costumes, and in directing. It's a pity.
“ Excellent! Victor Sukhorukov plays great, although it's already somewhat monotonous (or it seemed?). Krege is a clever girl!
“ The game, images, songs, chorus ... -well, the actors are good fellows! All very much! I recommend!
“ Indeed - modern art knows no boundaries! Today was at the play in Gogol center "Dead Souls" (premiere). The hall is full. They asked for extra tickets. Lord, people, come to your senses! THAT'S SIMPLE NIGHTMARE !!!!!!!!!!! What is the genius of the director? The impression is oppressive. I want to say - leave the classics alone !!!!!!!!! The performance is terrible, and at some moments - disgusting. If you want to get a spoiled evening - then you certainly need to visit this creation!
“ The performance was excellent, thank you very much!
“ The event "Dead Souls" and the very situation in Gogol Center we really enjoyed. Many thanks! Well done!
“ People, leave classics alone. The impression is just creepy. Not understandable bunch of men on stage! And after watching the performance it becomes clear - what would you say about how modern and talented you need to collect a bunch of men, dress them in women's clothes, or undress to underwear - and success is assured. The evening was ruined!
“ Great work! Well done boys.
“ At first, bewilderment. Then it drags on the acting game! Not the first time I see the game of S. Steinberg and E. Sangadzhiev - young, but och.talantlivye guys! "Old Men" are also fine fellows, Korobochka performed by Oleg Guschin - the best of those that ever happened to see !! And Plyushkin - still that Plyushkin !! Special thanks to the pianist!
“ Thank you, I liked the performance, although I can not believe in the optimism of the finals
“ Great performance! The actors were pleased with the game. Bravo Serebrennikov! We were lucky with places in the Amphitheater. Behind us and around us there was no one - they were lying in a sofa, surrounded by pillows
“ A unique theater, an unconventional setting. Very bright and talented cast. Special thanks to the director and composer.
“ Thank you, I liked it very much.
“ Beautiful performance. Remained very satisfied, thank you.
“ Thank you very much. This is the most non-theatrical theater I've seen in my life.
“ The performance is gorgeous, everything is fine, but, God, why is it so uncomfortable to sit in the Gogoltsentra's parterre ... What kind of greed has the administration of the theater taken away, it would seem that it's easier to put fewer chairs on 1 row and push the ranks apart, give people more space. 2,5 hours you sit in a very uncomfortable position, you breathe literally in the back of the previous row, just torture some. You get up late in the show, but you have pain in your legs, honestly. And after all, I am a very tiny woman, what do people of large complexion feel - it's hard to imagine ...
“ The play Dead Souls at Gogol Center made an indelible impression. Expression of actors is felt by the skin. Thanks to K. Serebrennikov for refreshing Gogol's mirror of vices and reviving the theater!
“ Eternal work! I would recommend rereading, reviewing "Dead Souls" every 5 years: it is always every next step in the three afterlife kingdoms - Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. I liked the performance.
“ Very interesting production, with the constant reincarnation of the main group of actors in all sorts of secondary characters .... from the servants of Mrs. Korobochka, to dogs, horses, children .... The first part of the performance was shown with a great sense of humor, for me it was 2 apogee - Bargaining Chichikov and Korobochki (and in the background .... taaaakih maid) to the song of the Bride Chichikov (on yutyube laid out a separate video song, which was used to promote and promote the performance) - it's all .... And after that, In the ears "no, I should I do not have to write, no, I should write to you, no, I have to write to you, no, no, no Result: The performance of Serebrennikov turns from the classical canons = Word, phrase, Articulation and Voice .... into a simplified perception of the work where the main thing is "Action "And sometimes The action of extras / backgrounds and determines the mood of the mood .... Chichikov in the performance of Byron O. for me was weak and helpless .... like his Intern ... but Nikita Kukushkin, Ilya Kovrizhnyh - I take off my hat .. .Guschin in the image of the Box - the best
“ Interestingly staged performance, with new director's findings, fresh and modern, a new look at the classic work without deviating from the plot. I advise you to spend a wonderful time.
“ Hello, for the first time sitting in the stalls, and not at the amphitheater. The ticket price is much higher and is almost equal to the price of imported festival performances. In the stalls with such a layout, you can not see anything, if the actors crouched or lay down, they were completely out of sight. I and the audience around were all upset. The hall was very stuffy and it was almost impossible to sit for 2.5 hours. As a result, I left the hall without waiting for the end.
“ A wonderful performance, a delightful play of actors, a talented work of the director!
“ Thank you, I really enjoyed it, especially the music
“ The performance itself was very much liked. However, the shortcomings of the organization will carry: the hall was very stuffy, there was no intermission. Sitting 2:40 is tiresome.