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Art Partner XXI

Feedbacks from viewers
Artur was 01 april on Family dinner at half past two

Wonderful performance! And bonus dance girls at the end ... Bravo!

Natal`ya was 20 february on Clinical case

Excellent performance liked all the actors played very well was fun and funny.

Dmitriy was 15 february on And again, "With the Coming One"

Great performance, great game of Nikolai Fomenko and Leonid Yarmolnik, great atmosphere, great humor, everything is fine)

Natal`ya was 31 january on Crap

January 30, 2019. An excellent game of Olesya Zheleznyak, Elena Galybinoy, Andrey Ilyin and Alexander Chernyavsky. A simple straightforward plot of the play for those who go to the theater just to relax and laugh. It seemed to me that the whole performance rests only on the game O. Zheleznyak. Brilliant actress, inimitable! I didn’t like the role of Yu. Menshova: too many of them, of enmity, etc. At some moments she spoke in an ordinary voice and it was much more pleasant to hear.

Elena was 22 january on HENRY AND ELLEN

Impressed by the play, especially from the game of actors !!!! Well, Domogarov is not discussed, unexpectedly I really liked Bolshova. They play together, without intermission for more than 2 hours, but what a game! What is the heat of passion !!! Anyone who loves theater (and not a fashionable performance!) - go and see! 👍

Marina was 30 november on Flying with an angel

A good performance leaves an impression for a long time, something to rethink in your life, and this is exactly such a performance and it does not matter you are a fan of Chagall, Jurassic ... or maybe go to the Chagall exhibition ...

Larisa was 07 november on Hypnosis session for couples

I enjoyed watching the play. She laughed, rested, and did not notice how the time flew by. The play of actors in height. Thank!

Tat`yana was 26 september on Flying with an angel

Beautiful performance. Very touching and sad. Jurassic is magnificent!

Marina was 06 september on Paper marriage

Yesterday we saw the "Paper marriage". We just love it. The game of Yakovlev, Spivakovsky and Yatsko is beyond praise. A beautiful play, an amazing performance. I recommend to all.

Sergey was 20 august on Paper marriage

Before going to the play, I read the testimonials. All of them are truthful, but they could not prepare me for the impression that I received from the play! He impressed me with the depth of the banal, in general, the plot. And the main merit in this belongs to the magnificent ensemble of actors. Thank you for the feelings that all viewers experienced, we became a little kinder and better.

Alla was 20 august on The henpecked

Excellent work of actors. Every podradilos.Bolshy thanks.

Ol`ga was 07 august on Flying with an angel

Very strong performance! Jurassic bravo!

Natal`ya was 06 august on Free pair

I really love Aronov, but this time the play itself played a bad joke with her. The plot, indeed, on the surface: it was necessary to interest the viewer, replaying. Her tricks, of course, cause admiration, but Maria and Boris Shcherbakov played the grotesque - not my genre, absolutely, on the verge of jesting. I will not recommend it.

Aleksandr was 30 jule on ONEGINE BLUES

Terrific !!! Guskov as always a genius! Butman is gorgeous! BRAVO!!!

Aleksey was 03 jule on Free pair

The performance is good. The actors play excellent, I liked that they communicate with the audience. We were satisfied!

Andrey was 19 june on ONEGINE BLUES

Thank you for the pleasure

Vasiliy was 05 june on Free pair

The plot is simple. On the topic of marital relations there are not a few other performances. Interest caused the dialogue of the actors with the audience. It was fun, but I would not call this a comedy in the classical sense. The hall laughed, but it was not Petrosian's humor. Dvoyakoe impression: I liked it, I did not feel sorry for the money spent, but I would not recommend it for viewing. The plot is somewhat confusing and unrealistic.

Anna was 01 june on ONEGINE BLUES

The performance / concert was very popular. Yes, it's just a performance and a concert in one. Afraid that it would be boring, but in vain. Guskov reads simply fascinating, he is so immersed in the text that it seems as if you are watching a movie. Periodically, the text is played out by the actors (in some places it was very funny) and the musical accompaniment, which gives the act of fullness. And of course Igor Butman, he is a genius. The first time I caught myself thinking that I really enjoyed listening to a saxophone, I used to think that it was not mine. I got great pleasure from what I saw and heard. Everything is so harmonious and tasteful that it's just Bravo !!!

Nadegda was 25 may on LAST CHANCE

(There was a desire to leave in the intermission, which rarely happens to me (I do not have any complaints about the actor.) For the first time in the years of visiting the theater, I have not received any emotions. I do not imagine what fireworks of emotions the "enthusiastic" audience writes here The hall also did not burst with laughter, and many of my neighbors often looked in the phone (apparently from boredom in anticipation of the completion of this action).

Irina was 21 may on Free pair

They watched the play together with her husband on May 18, laughed heartily. Although the plot is uncomplicated, and both stars are "overacted" in places, on the whole, we did not regret the time spent. Thank you!

Aleksey was 21 may on Territory of love

Great performance, staging, the actors' play is simply mesmerizing !!! Well done!

Ol`ga was 21 may on Free pair

Were with her friend on June 18 at the play. You know, it's not even a performance, it's an interactive with the audience, in which the play and reality intertwine. Sumptuously!!! 10 points out of 5 possible. Go, do not regret it!

Uliya was 26 april on Free pair

April 24, 2017 went to the play for family. Knowing the content of the play, and such famous actors as Maria Aronova and Boris Shcherbakov, tickets were bought in the first row of the stalls. And they did not lose their way ... Live communication with actors attracts and you involuntarily become a participant in the action. Actors freely exist in the given circumstances, and when they begin to improvise and finish the play with their winged expressions, you just get real pleasure! Positive emotions - the sea ... The theme of family relations is an eternal theme ... I wish everyone such a pleasant holiday, as happened here !!! Sometimes, in order to understand - how to live on, it is worth digging into dirty linen, take it out and start living further in love and harmony. In this performance - it happened! And I want to say - go to the theater! Recognize and discover, above all - yourself! All the best! Be sure to visit this performance!

Ekaterina was 12 april on Territory of love

The performance as a whole was pleasant, but the impressions are ambiguous, The second time would hardly have gone, although I really love Elena Yakovlev, and the rest of the actors are good. They smoke on the stage, sitting in the second row smells well, they are constantly applied to bottles ... some sort of bust, in my opinion. The themes are very vital, the actors play great, it's interesting to watch. In some cases, rather vulgar dialogues. It's a pity to Elena Yakovlev, because she has to play it. A fine talent is spent on outright vulgarity ... It's sad.

Elena was 03 april on ONEGINE BLUES

Great performance! Perfect reading of Pushkin! In great delight from Alexei Guskov!

Mihail was 05 march on Clinical case

Easy performance. Relax from the bustle. Madyanov and Livanov master. I recommend . Without vulgarity, without politics, without violence. Thank you for a good evening!

Galina was 06 february on And again, "With the Coming One"

Were at the play on February 5 with her husband. Got great fun! Thanks to Leonid Yarmolnik and Nikolai Fomenko! We played so that we "plunged" into the play "with a head"! We forgot that we are in the hall ... A lot of laughter, but also many scenes and words that make us think about life, about deeds, about relationships and about attitudes toward things, towards others, to history. About the time that inexorably runs ... Not so many now such performances. And no humor "below the belt", which is now very often, and from the screens, and on the stage. Interesting! Worthy! We left the theater under such impressions! .. We touched all the strings of the soul! Thank you very much!!!

Irina was 30 january on Free pair

real acting on the stage! As always, Aronova is beautiful! Improvisation, communication with the audience, humor - everything you need for a good evening!

Nataliya was 24 january on Paper marriage

A wonderful performance, won the game actors Elena Yakovleva, Daniil Spivakovsky and Valery Garkalin! Clever, delicate, funny, sad and touching play. Everything is like in life, laughter through tears! I recommend!

Elena was 15 january on Clinical case

Were at the play on 01/13/2018. Got a lot of positive emotions! The artists played well, the composition is excellent! I recommend.

Uliya was 18 december on Clinical case

Were at the play with her husband on December 17. Emotions just overwhelm. Many thanks to the actors, everyone, without exception. So hold the hall throughout the performance !!!! Simply super !!!! We laughed heartily. In the theaters we go regularly, unfortunately, now in the performances often used non-normative speech, and even vulgarity. Here - all within, a bright, kind, cheerful performance, the actors gave such positive to the audience, time passed quickly, it was a pity to say goodbye. We recommend ALL, go, you will not regret. We have not rested for so long. Once again THANK YOU !!!

Elizaveta was 23 november on Family dinner at half past two

Dear actors and organizers of the play! Thank you very much for those emotions and feelings that we received from viewing this presentation. The performance affects all emotions - and you cry, and you laugh along with the actors. The history is shown very vital, you try on yourself the roles and behavior of the main characters. I advise everyone this performance!

Ekaterina was 26 october on Paper marriage

Have seen the paper marriage yesterday, 24.10.17. We really enjoyed! Elena Yakovleva and Sergei Makovetsky above all praise! Great game! The performance flew by unnoticed, in one breath. Some jokes are slightly below the skirting board, but they do not spoil the general picture at all (this is generally a general trend in the past 10-15 years ...). Wonderful dance numbers, very unexpected cloak of the main character in the finale of the play (an interesting idea of ​​the director). The action begins quite fun and vital, and ends very sadly ... but also vital. Highly recommend!

Tat`yana was 25 october on Paper marriage

I really love Elena Yakovlev and Sergei Makovetsky, therefore, for me, to look at their game is a great pleasure. The plot and the jokes are slightly rustic, but overall - very good.

Tat`yana was 19 october on Family dinner at half past two

The performance is wonderful if it were not so short instead of the announced 2 hours it's 1 hour and 25 minutes. You just do not have time to understand its charm in such a short time.

Ol`ga was 26 jule on Non-random meeting. Sergey Makovetsky

The mono performance "Fima, Fimochka, Efim" performed by Sergei Makovetsky was magnificent. Sergey Vasilievich talked to the audience freely. talked about the roles and directors he worked with, very interesting. All very much.

Vadim was 29 september on Paper marriage

Great performance! Thanks artists!

Ksu was 26 september on Flying with an angel

Sergei Jurassic is not just a brilliant artist, but also an ingenious director! The performance touched the depths of my soul! Bravo! But we will not advise everyone, only connoisseurs of the creativity of Marc Chagall! Thank you!!! Were September 25, 2017 in the Moscow City Council Theater.

Ol`ga was 25 september on Clinical case

I really liked the play. Laughed to tears. Excellent actors, especially Madyanov.Recommend.

Oksana was 19 september on Crap

Were a family. My daughter was very pleased 12 years. We have not laughed that way for a long time. Olesya Zheleznyak is just a fine fellow. all the actors, too. Great pleasure. Thank you all.

Zinaida was 14 september on LAST CHANCE

How important it is sometimes to be frivolous with the most serious kind! Straight from this start the week! For whom in the workman, for whom on Monday vacation, instead of using, according to rumors, one of the last summer's warm evenings for outdoor recreation, the summer-colored public filled the hall of the TsDKJ in anticipation of the magic. "And where to happen a miracle, as in a theater ?!" - by the way, the main character exclaims (Nikita Tarasov), having undergone a natural human metamorphosis before our eyes. It's safe to say that 100% of spectators were not familiar with the play of Sam Bobrick. Intrigued by the name "Last Chance". A short annotation in advertising, as it later turned out, led a little to the side. So the viewer came to your favorite artists. And was not deceived! The contact was established swiftly, the reaction of the hall was immediate and immediate. Every 5 minutes applause or exclamations of "Bravo!" Broke out. Because what is happening is not easily extrapolated to real life situations, the conventionality of images is easily deciphered and reveals real dramatic collisions. At first glance, the predictable course of the play has been successfully expanded by a mirror-lined composition, which stimulates spectator excitement: the second act turns everything from head to foot and unwinds in the opposite direction exactly to where the usual melodrama should begin. But it will remain outside the performance, the task of the director (Roman Samghin) is different: it is only to identify the problem in the war of the sexes, and most importantly to awaken the viewer's reflections with hints, irony, and jokes. The rest is in the hands of the actors. Nikita Tarasov with Olesya Zheleznyak did not let the viewer's attention for a minute. Two and a half hours on the stage, in fact, only two people, and created by the contrast of the temperaments of the characters, from the stage beats an endless fountain of energy. Undoubtedly, it is thanks to the existing ensemble! From the first scene it becomes clear how organic the performers are in the image of the incompatibility of their characters, how much they are from different planets! The more interesting will be the reverse unwinding of the compressed spring. And watch it - an exciting activity! Having plentifully scattered the flowers of evil in the first act, Maira Witzer (Olesya Zheleznyak) fully enjoyed the result achieved and very soon came to the natural logical conclusion that an artificially molded marriage is even worse than loneliness. The circle was closed, and with the same passion with which Leonard Shank (Nikita Tarasov) was taken prisoner, she began to wall around herself a new wall. While the hero who overcame the first stage of shock from its pressure and serious physical suffering, first acquires the ability to manifest genuine human feelings, takes the initiative in its own hands and builds real relationships on the ruins of artificial ones. The sensual dance of Leonard (Nikita Tarasov) in the style of "You can leave your hat on!" In the second act is the apotheosis of his transformation from a slob to a real romantic hero. A "kiss in the diaphragm" in the finale of the play could open the third act. It was a pity to leave, but the laws of the genre require here to put an end to the eccentric comedy. And about a happy marriage of feminists and romance we must find a play, and Nikita Tarasov and Olesya Zheleznyak will arrange a new firework! Bravo to the creators and performers!

Zinaida was 14 september on LAST CHANCE

How important it is sometimes to be frivolous with the most serious kind! Straight from this start the week! For whom in the workman, for whom on Monday vacation, instead of using, according to rumors, one of the last summer's warm evenings for outdoor recreation, the summer-colored public filled the hall of the TsDKJ in anticipation of the magic. "And where to happen a miracle, as in a theater ?!" - by the way, the main character exclaims (Nikita Tarasov), having undergone a natural human metamorphosis before our eyes. It's safe to say that 100% of spectators were not familiar with the play of Sam Bobrick. Intrigued by the name "Last Chance". A short annotation in advertising, as it later turned out, led a little to the side. So the viewer came to your favorite artists. And was not deceived! The contact was established swiftly, the reaction of the hall was immediate and immediate. Every 5 minutes applause or exclamations of "Bravo!" Broke out. Because what is happening is not easily extrapolated to real life situations, the conventionality of images is easily deciphered and reveals real dramatic collisions. At first glance, the predictable course of the play has been successfully expanded by a mirror-lined composition, which stimulates spectator excitement: the second act turns everything from head to foot and unwinds in the opposite direction exactly to where the usual melodrama should begin. But it will remain outside the performance, the task of the director (Roman Samghin) is different: it is only to identify the problem in the war of the sexes, and most importantly to awaken the viewer's reflections with hints, irony, and jokes. The rest is in the hands of the actors. Nikita Tarasov with Olesya Zheleznyak did not let the viewer's attention for a minute. Two and a half hours on the stage, in fact, only two people, and created by the contrast of the temperaments of the characters, from the stage beats an endless fountain of energy. Undoubtedly, it is thanks to the existing ensemble! From the first scene it becomes clear how organic the performers are in the image of the incompatibility of their characters, how much they are from different planets! The more interesting will be the reverse unwinding of the compressed spring. And watch it - an exciting activity! Having plentifully scattered the flowers of evil in the first act, Maira Witzer (Olesya Zheleznyak) fully enjoyed the result achieved and very soon came to the natural logical conclusion that an artificially molded marriage is even worse than loneliness. The circle was closed, and with the same passion with which Leonard Shank (Nikita Tarasov) was taken prisoner, she began to wall around herself a new wall. While the hero who overcame the first stage of shock from its pressure and serious physical suffering, first acquires the ability to manifest genuine human feelings, takes the initiative in its own hands and builds real relationships on the ruins of artificial ones. The sensual dance of Leonard (Nikita Tarasov) in the style of "You can leave your hat on!" In the second act is the apotheosis of his transformation from a slob to a real romantic hero. A "kiss in the diaphragm" in the finale of the play could open the third act. It was a pity to leave, but the laws of the genre require here to put an end to the eccentric comedy. And about a happy marriage of feminists and romance we must find a play, and Nikita Tarasov and Olesya Zheleznyak will arrange a new firework! Bravo to the creators and performers! Follow the advertisement in September and October!

Irina was 21 august on Flying with an angel

Sumptuously! Bravo, Artist! The performance is not in prose, but in verse, but noticed not at once, a very touching text. About life, love, creativity of Marc Chagall. I recommend it to all.

Sergey was 10 august on LAST CHANCE

They visited this performance together with his wife, were extremely happy and received a lot of impressions! We really liked the original story and a great game of actors (especially I would like to mention just an unparalleled game Olesya Zheleznyak). Wife was delighted with the performance, emotions were more than enough! I put the "Last Chance" solid five and highly recommend to visit.

Natal`ya was 13 jule on And again, "With the Coming One"

A wonderful performance, after seeing which you will plunge into the world of laughter, spiritual childhood and youth, look at today's problems with irony and smile. 10 out of 10. I strongly advise

Galina was 28 june on Free pair

Had a great evening, the actors improvised a lot and communicated with the audience, they had not laughed so long, go, do not regret it!

Ludmila was 31 march on Crap

I liked the performance very much. We received a lot of pleasure from visiting. The artists played very well. Zheleznyak, of course above all praise! I recommend!

Irina was 27 january on And again, "With the Coming One"

A wonderful performance and an amazing play of actors. Yarmolnik is simply magnificent! Comedy in its best manifestation, subtle, ironic. I advise everyone to see!

Margarita was 19 january on And again, "With the Coming One"

To all, all, all! See a good performance. A great play of actors. In our time, in my opinion this has become a rarity. Often it seems that the artists just bluff and do not play. And here is the filigree work. Wonderful scenario. A lot of humor and laughter, but at the same time a deep sense of the dialogues of the characters. A low bow to Fomenko N. and Yermolniku L. Thank you guys! You gave a beautiful evening. Have forced to remember a youth, To laugh, sympathize .. To grieve. THANK YOU!!!

Marina was 14 october on Crap

Were at this performance on October 14, very pleased, I fell in love with Olesya, she plays at 100, she plays and puts on her best, the production is good, the text is thought out to the smallest detail. If you want to laugh with all your heart, then definitely go! And do not forget to turn off the phones during the performance and after the intermission !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uliya was 21 june on Paper marriage

Beautiful performance. Merry and sad as life. The main thing is smart. The actors play at the highest level. When a few minutes after the start of the play you forget that this is a performance. Before you is a real life, real people. Certainly bravo to Sergei Makovetsky. With Elena Yakovleva you cry about women's fate. It's a pity for her, herself and everyone. The performance after which you think and feel sharper. Thanks again.

Nadegda was 19 june on Family dinner at half past two

I liked the performance very much, I have not received such emotions for a long time. The actors play is gorgeous! The hall did not let the actors for very long, called for an encore. The only drawback, Anna Bolshova spoke very quietly.

Natal`ya was 21 june on Paper marriage

This is an unreal thing. I regretted only one thing: I was alone in the play. Before the parking was just in some pleasant shock. The smile still does not come off the muzzle. Go, do not pozhaleete..😊😊

Oleg was 03 april on Flying with an angel

The play shocked! Very powerful and deep! I recommend before the performance, at least in general terms to get acquainted with the work of Marc Chagall. Jurassic did not disappoint - the Great Master! To all actors - bravo! There was a lump in my throat ....

Marina was 10 november on Hypnosis session for couples

After watching the performance of the Fool, I wanted to look again at the game Olesya Zheleznyak, I liked her game very much, bought tickets for "Hypnosis." After reading the reviews, I was a little upset, but I myself will not look and you will not understand. The first action. We did not like her husband, some humorous, primitive jokes, over which the floor of the hall laughed. There it is necessary to cry, but not to laugh ... But the second act stretched the entire play and everything fell into place, I did not regret that We went to this play. I would also like to add that after all EVERY performance was stipulated, shutdown of mobile phones and a ban on shooting, it was very irritating and distracting from the action. Thanks!

Svetlana was 26 jule on Crap

Struck by the work of the company bigbilet. Everything is clear, harmonious, reliable! On the eve of the play came a reminder! On the day of the performance, a reminder and a pincode of the ticket were sent again! In the theater, at the entrance, I turned to the administrator and in 10 seconds, I had tickets on my hands! Thank you for the responsible attitude to your work! Now all the orders of the Performance Performance Fool ... I do not have enough words! This must be seen! The play left a lot of impressions, and the actors' game is so gorgeous that I wanted to kiss them for the pleasure I had !! Olesya Zheleznyak is something !! THANK YOU!!

Uliya was 16 september on Paper marriage

I want to share the impression of visiting the play "The Paper Marriage", presented on the stage of the Taganka Actor's Society on September 16, 2016. The show began as a light simple comedy, even a farce, but ended in a human tragedy ... In the first act, the characters of all three characters of the play seem simple and Clear, it seems that the theater evening will be held on a cheerful note, without deep reflection and digging in life's vicissitudes and collisions, and by the end of the play we empathize with the American tyrant, and the simple housekeeper, and the ambitious To the poor doctor! Great merit in mastering the development of these images, of course, belongs to the actors Sergei Makovetsky and Elena Yakovleva, also it is necessary to note the interesting director's work and the talented work of the choreographer. The performance really liked! Would recommend everyone to see and listen!

Tat`yana was 22 june on And again, "With the Coming One"

Wonderful star duo. Thank you. But the theater Russian song is not suitable for performances, audibility is bad, although microphones stand on the edge of the stage. Got a real pleasure from the actors' play, their improvisation.

Ekaterina was 16 june on The henpecked

Great performance! A wonderful production! A great game of actors! Many thanks for the wonderful evening and good mood! Special thanks to Alexei Maklakov!

Maksim was 20 june on Territory of love

The performance really liked! Life story. The composition of the artists is harmonious.

Tat`yana was 21 june on Paper marriage

Very pleased. Actors well done, laid out to the fullest. It can be seen that this work gives a great pleasure to themselves. Garkalin - the fall!

Irina was 14 jule on Territory of love

The performance once again gives an opportunity to see the actor's talent of Elena Yakovleva. Although, it should be noted that all the actors make up a harmonious, played quartet. Well-chosen music and interesting, sometimes very original mise-en-scenes are built. The story is not original, vital-tragic, but the text of the play is rather vulgar. I would say - very vulgar, cutting ears. Especially in the first act. I was even sorry for the actress, who was forced to say this text. There were times when I wanted to leave the hall. But we came to the second act, and did not regret it. It was played brilliantly.

Aleksey was 01 jule on Hypnosis session for couples

The performance is ambiguous. From the point of view of the actors' play - everything is great! Well done! But the lyrics of the characters, well, it's gone. Do not say that even in families where everything is not in order. Maybe I do not understand something ... already. On C grade. Be careful when you invite children to this event.

Alina was 21 june on Paper marriage

Everything was great, the game is excellent, but very quiet, much not heard, even on the 7th row of the orchestra (

Kostoreva was 04 august on Family dinner at half past two

The performance was very much liked, looked at one breath. The game of actors is beyond praise. The only thing, Cyril Grebenshchikov is more suitable for the main role. I recommend a pleasant viewing.

Uliya was 21 june on Paper marriage

The performance left pleasant feelings. And comedy and drama at the same time. Good work of fine actors.

Elena was 15 june on Crap

Very cool, "lying around" from laughing in the literal sense, and neighbors too, Olesya Zheleznyak is incomparable, I recommend after a tense week as an antidiPRant, fatigue and depression will be lifted!

Elena was 26 june on Territory of love

June 26 saw the play "Territory of Love." The play left a rather ambiguous impression. The burning issue of the life of a woman who has been left alone ... the acting parties are played splendidly. If possible, I go to other performances of each actor who participated in this performance. The only downside is the sound ... it was quiet (it was barely audible of the actors) or very loud (which laid the ears).

Marina was 25 may on Territory of love

The performance is wonderful (vital)! A great game of actors! It so happened that Elena Yakovleva was first seen on the stage of the theater - she was struck (beautiful physical form and reincarnation from a girl to an experienced woman)! During pauses in the full room, no coughing, no squeaking, no rustling of the wrapper, that's how to hold the hall! Magnificent live music (clarinet, not saxophone). Thank you for the pleasure!

Ol`ga was 16 june on Paper marriage

A wonderful performance! Yakovlev and Garkalin played just amazing! Has received a maximum of pleasure))))

Lubov` was 21 march on Crap

Went to this performance with a young man in the Taganka Theater. We really enjoyed it, a wonderful game of actors, Olesya Zheleznyak is above all praise, excellent humor - "The situation has opened ..." for those in the subject. I advise everyone. We sat on the 7th row and we were all clearly audible and visible, but my friends who visited this event also sat on the 13th row and, unfortunately, the dialogue was partially inaudible, so take this into account when choosing tickets. Although this is all strictly individual ...

Mashen`ka was 20 april on Paper marriage

We went to the play on April 20 this year. Composition of the actors really liked! Elena Yakovleva is magnificent, a born actress, Garkalin was fit for her! The first act of the performance is a little delayed, but this is not at the expense of the actors. The second act is more lively and emotional! Actors fellows, the evening thanks to them conducted superbly, that even the snow in April did not spoil our mood! Bravo!

Lubov` was 14 may on Free pair

Were at the play on May 14, 2015. A light comedy with elements of a life melodrama. Maria Aronova played perfectly. It turned out that she sits splendidly on the twine. Even just for the sake of this moment you can look at it. Boris Shcherbakov was great, although in places he was overacting. In general, the play left a good impression, without causing negative emotions.

Prb was 20 june on Territory of love

A beautiful production, a play of actors. A wonderful sound design - Frank Sinatra and an excellent clarinet game! As always, Yakovlev is super! The audience is full - the spectators have come to the beautiful actor's game! Thank you for the pleasure!

Irina was 21 june on Paper marriage

Wonderful performance !!! She enjoyed playing the favorite actors (although she was waiting for Makovetsky, not Garkalin) Elena Yakovleva - brilliant! Summary: an excellent combination of relevant humor, liveliness and brightness. I recommend to all!

Tat`yana was 21 june on Paper marriage

The play really liked it, it was cheerful and sad at the same time, the actors were good fellows. Many thanks!!!

Tat`yana was 15 june on Crap

Of all the previously viewed performances, this is the most cheerful. Olesya is a fine person, if already in her years the people go to look at her play. She was at several performances with her participation and everywhere she is on top, no matter what the plot. Ilyin also did not concede. In the performances he saw For the first time ever. I always advise this performance first. Rest and fun from the soul. Until now, we often remember it.

Nataliya was 21 june on Paper marriage

A great game of actors in one breath. I highly recommend

Viktoriya was 11 february on Crap

Went to the play on 11/02/14. With the spouse. The actors play is brilliant. The plot is stretched a bit, as it seemed to us. But it did not spoil our impression of what we saw. Thanks to the great actors for their play and our laughter.

Elena was 28 december on Crap

In general, the performance left a good impression. But, in my opinion, the action is somewhat prolonged. The actors play at altitude. I would not look more than once.

Elena was 15 june on Crap

A stunning production! A great play of actors, especially, makes an impression Olesya Zheleznyak. Events develop very dynamically, humor is thin and to the point! I recommend to everyone!

Oksana was 22 december on Free pair

A wonderful performance. Favorite Aronov and Shcherbakov))) They laughed heartily, had a great evening.

Alla was 30 december on Paper marriage

The performance left a very pleasant impression, a wonderful cast. The production took place on the stage of the Russian Song Theater (N. Babkina), the elegant and New Year atmosphere of the foyer, gave a sense of celebration.

Ol`ga was 15 june on Crap

This is one of the best performances I've seen, the actors' game is gorgeous! Especially Olesya Zheleznyak impresses with his charisma. If you want to spend a good evening, you here.

Natal`ya was 15 june on Crap

Great performance, laughing to tears. Actors - well done all! Just super! Thank you very much!

Natal`ya was 21 june on Paper marriage

Went with a friend. Complete disappointment, unfortunately ... The worst that we have seen over the past two years.

Viktoriya was 22 november on Crap

We are delighted. I'd love to look again. Thank you!

Elena was 11 november on Free pair

The other day I was at the play "Free Couple". It was a real pleasure! Aronova is an incredibly talented and charismatic actress. For a long time I did not laugh like that! I advise everyone to see this performance)

Irina was 19 november on Paper marriage

Very nice performance, creates a great mood. All in moderation: and humor, and sadness, and life situations, and observations. A great play of actors. Thank you!!!

Vera was 05 november on Paper marriage

The performance is super !!!

Svetlana was 24 september on Paper marriage

Thanks, all is class!

Svetlana was 27 october on Crap

Really liked it, super!

Natal`ya was 22 september on Clinical case

We are delighted! Thank you!

Kseniya was 13 october on Free pair

I liked everything very much - dynamically and with improvisation

Anna was 15 june on Crap

I watched last year. I love comedies, I never saw a funny show. Go, invite friends, get positive emotions, a charge of laughter and cheerfulness. All the actors at the height, Zheleznyak, of course, number one! Bravo!

Natal`ya was 27 october on Crap

Theater Kinoaktora watched "muddle" -spektakl very much, if you want to really relax and spend time and money for the benefit of the soul, then I highly recommend to see this action. Very subtle, tasteful, minimalist relevant.

Anna was 15 june on Crap

A win-win option for the evening. Olesya is beyond praise. Looks in one breath of a storm of laughter and positive emotions. This show would have gone a second time.

Ol`ga was 25 september on Free pair

Great, relaxing, the actors at the height!

Ol`ga was 24 september on Paper marriage

The performance is interesting, the actors play is wonderful. And they laughed and cried

Evgeniya was 10 september on Paper marriage

A terrific performance of actors! Elena Yakovleva and Sergey Makovetsky are wonderful actors who can make the viewer laugh and sad. There are a lot of moments in the play, when it's impossible to hold back laughter and hands are trying to applaud. Many moments that innocently ridicule the character of Russians and teach Jewish wisdom. Some positive emotions after the performance!

Only for children
Only adults
119072, Moskva, Bersenevskaya nab., 20/2
01 h 30 min


Buy List 08 november fri 19:00

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Buy List 10 november sun 19:00

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