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Elena was 17 december on Magician

A year ago I really liked the performance of the Hermitage theater "I am not at home" based on the works of Kharms and the recollections of his wife Marina Yudenich. This year I wanted to continue our acquaintance, I took a ticket for the "Magician" thing. Unfortunately, there was no new discovery. And the thing seemed boring and the production did not impress. The themes of clowns, magicians and illusionists have always attracted cinema. I have revised Prestige, The Illusionist and Houdini more than once, but here the mood is closest to the version of Chekhov's Kashtanka, and she usually only drove me into anguish, but I want surprise and brightness. It is interesting to find theater fans who can tell if there is anything else worthy of attention in the repertoire besides that last year's performance.

Evgeniya was 12 october on Magician

Great performance! The evening went by in one breath

Uriy was 30 december on Magician

The performance plunges into the Soviet era in some miraculous way, because there are almost no attributes of that time, except that the Harlequin song, bills and labels on bottles of vodka. But the director and actors create the atmosphere of the 60-70s. The theme of freedom in personal space is always relevant, the hero (Magician) is experiencing it very acutely. This is interesting. The actor playing the Magician is simply brilliant, I see him in the title role in the Hermitage a second time. You can just walk on it. And on Ekaterina Tenetu. When they are both on stage, it's a holiday. Just do not understand why the "fairy tale for adults." Everything is quite real, quite.



Purchased earlier: 258
Москва, Новый Арбат ул., 11
02 h 30 min


To be kind to people is real magic.

Calico dresses in polka dots, tourist guitars, Gagarin and Edita Pieha. Man gives the most precious thing in the heart. Only no one needs it. Funny and full of hope sixties.

Magic is voluntary. Believe it or not, everyone chooses himself. But as soon as you stop believing in magic, you start to believe in government and business. But there is one way out - to look for a miracle in everyday things. But what if I lost everything? Discharged in the wind? To establish a relationship with your own daughter is a trick. To find personal happiness is shamanism in general. But if you are a little shy, sometimes passionate, but, in general, a good person, everything works out.

He is not of this world. Too kind and loves people. A boring and boring lyricist. How can one survive in the real world? How to find your place in life, if you are a magician? And not the best. Not Copperfield. Especially not Houdini. Yes, there, not even Hmayak Hakobyan. Your main trick is to make friends with students. Deadly number - go on a date. He wanted the rabbits to come out of their hats. To an armful of balloons lifted into the air. And it turned into sadness and a broken heart.

Happy Soviet children, pay attention to the leash.

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Elena was 17 december

A year ago I really liked the performance of the Hermitage theater "I am not at home" based on the works of Kharms and the recollections of his wife Marina Yudenich. This year I wanted to continue our acquaintance, I took a ticket for the "Magician" thing. Unfortunately, there was no new discovery. And the thing seemed boring and the production did not impress. The themes of clowns, magicians and illusionists have always attracted cinema. I have revised Prestige, The Illusionist and Houdini more than once, but here the mood is closest to the version of Chekhov's Kashtanka, and she usually only drove me into anguish, but I want surprise and brightness. It is interesting to find theater fans who can tell if there is anything else worthy of attention in the repertoire besides that last year's performance.

Evgeniya was 12 october

Great performance! The evening went by in one breath

Uriy was 30 december

The performance plunges into the Soviet era in some miraculous way, because there are almost no attributes of that time, except that the Harlequin song, bills and labels on bottles of vodka. But the director and actors create the atmosphere of the 60-70s. The theme of freedom in personal space is always relevant, the hero (Magician) is experiencing it very acutely. This is interesting. The actor playing the Magician is simply brilliant, I see him in the title role in the Hermitage a second time. You can just walk on it. And on Ekaterina Tenetu. When they are both on stage, it's a holiday. Just do not understand why the "fairy tale for adults." Everything is quite real, quite.

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