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Malaya Bronnaya Theater

Feedbacks from viewers
Marina was 09 december on Auditor

Wonderful performance! So great and professionally played that there is nothing to complain about! Bravo to the actors and bravo to everyone who created this beautiful performance! We should also mention very interesting and original costumes ...! I recommend everyone to watch the performance and have fun.

Tat`yana was 14 february on Late love

I took the tickets for the performance not to myself, but to my mother-in-law (as a gift for her birthday). According to her, she liked the play very much !!! Remarkable cast and the acting itself. Remained VERY happy !!! After such words, I myself wanted to see and appreciate this performance.

Irina was 22 january on Warsaw Melody

Sad story, beautiful acting! Daniel, as always, pleased me very much with his acting work, it is always pleasant to look at and listen to him, everything is so natural. Julia has long been very fond of as an actress, a wonderful role. It is a pity that in life there are such stories. The acoustics are really bad.

Marina was 09 january on Cancun

The performance is impressive! Actors on top. Everything is very beautiful and the topic is interesting - there is something to think about after the performance. Sound and visual accompaniment is very organically selected! I recommend to see, you will not remain indifferent!

Sergey was 06 november on Cancun

Were at the performance on November 4, 2018, on my birthday! I really liked the performance. There is an opportunity to laugh and think. 4 actors, a minimum of scenery, but how everything looks and feels - before the goose bumps! Small minus - 2 hours without intermission. Thanks to the actors, the director and all the staff of the theater for a wonderful time spent! New successes!

Marina was 22 october on Warsaw Melody

The performance is amazing, the actors play great !!! Unfortunately, they were not familiar with the theater, tickets were bought to the mezzanine, because of this, poor visibility of the stage and insufficient audibility. There is a desire to go to this performance again)

Ludmila was 06 august on Retro

I liked the play for both my daughter and daughter.

Mihail was 06 august on Almost

Was on the 3rd of August. What can I say .... A double feeling. It seems like the artists are trying, the audience is trying to understand what the artists want to convey to them .... But somehow it does not work! Honestly, if not for the study performed by Nastasya Samburskaya, who practically pulled out the play and defused the atmosphere, then everything would end on ..... a painful note. Maybe of course I do not understand something, or was not ready for perception ..... But as already said above: "but the stories themselves are boring" ... :-(

Elena was 11 may on Late love

A good and easy comedy. Klara Novikova, Leonid Konevsky and Daniil Spivakovski played great! The hall is small and cozy, it is clearly visible from the far rows.

Dmitry was 06 april on Late love

Very nice, touching story. A smart play of actors. It is visible perfectly even from the far rows of the mezzanine.

Tanya was 22 march on Prince Caspian

The performance is wonderful !!! The actors played wonderful! Granddaughter read a book about Prince Caspian, and she liked both performances. Scenery, costumes - everything is very cool !!!

Ol`ga was 23 february on The Mystery of the Old Cabinet

Were with grandchildren 12 and 7 years. I liked the 7-year-old granddaughter very much. The grandson was more restrained in the reviews. The performance is wonderful, the actors play wonderful. The decorations are good. For me, however, the sound was very loud. But, most importantly, the children on the way home quoted the phrases from the play and copied the characters.

Natal`ya was 29 january on Auditor

They were the whole family at the play, the disappointment is complete. I did not like either the production or the game.

Ganna was 05 january on Slavic Madness

Were at the play on January 2. The first action was prolonged and not exciting, the audience snored in the armchairs after the feast on the eve. After the intermission, the action began to develop more rapidly, the plot began to be gradually pumped and unraveled. In the performance, dances were added, artists performed well, with their energy they warmed up the spectators. For an easy and undisguised viewer this performance is suitable. It is good also on holidays, holidays, so that the viewer could come, laugh, relax over a funny and uncomplicated plot

Marina was 28 december on Retro

I liked the performance! Bribes professional and live game of all actors without exception. But on the subject of this performance for 50 +, I think that for young people the topic is not relevant and maybe it will not be interesting ... I advise you to look and visit this wonderful theater.

Nadegda was 25 december on Woe from Wit

On December 22, I took my ninth-graders to the play. Bright, unusual. sometimes ... too much shocking. But the stronger the impression of the power of acting. It turned out powerfully. Normality Chatsky against the background of universal absurdity is simply ... apotheosis. Sophia's voice is wonderful. Bewitched. Special thanks for your respect for the author's text.

Uliya was 29 november on The rabbit hole

The performance is very mediocre. Actors play well, but the production is not particularly impressive. In general, "on chetverochku." The theme is purely feminine, tearful, but does not cling.

Irina was 25 october on Auditor


Galina was 25 january on Warsaw Melody

I liked the play, the actors (my favorites) played perfectly, but on the mezzanine, it's very difficult to hear Julia when she says turning sideways or back to the audience. This is not only my opinion, but also my neighbors on the 1 st and 2 nd row of the mezzanine. Constantly I had to strain my ears and it was not always clear from what was so vigorously reacted by the stalls. And the rest is great. Thank you.

Ruslan was 30 november on Warsaw Melody

a magnificent performance. piercing and sincere. live these few hours together with the actors.

Viktor was 30 november on Warsaw Melody


Dar`ya was 30 november on Warsaw Melody

Touching, warm performance, the actors are amazing, umnichki, thanks!

Ekaterina was 01 april on Warsaw Melody

The actress is playing very well! Polish accent is ideal! Against her background, the main character is lost. The plot is funny at first, romantic and inspiring, at some point it becomes protracted, and the ending, though it reflects the real life, does not cause rapture, surprise, however, too. Going to stand, good, but not excellent

Gul`nara was 19 november on Warsaw Melody

A wonderful performance! One of the best! The whole play is in one breath. A brilliant play of actors! Thank you very much for the pleasure! I recommend to all)))

Anna was 08 april on Warsaw Melody

As expected, the performance made a terrific impression. The eternal theme of love, has always been and will be the most urgent and affecting the soul. A wonderful game of Daniil Strakhov and Julia Peresild. In some places it's funny, sometimes tragic, everything you need to leave a good memory of the performance of each viewer. Favorite theater, as always on top !!!

Nataliya was 21 february on Warsaw Melody

Wonderful performance !!

Ol`ga was 17 january on Warsaw Melody

Thank you very much, I really liked the performance!

Ol`ga was 05 november on Warsaw Melody

A stunning performance! Do not often touch the tears of actors! Very much makes us think! Thank you very much to Julia Persild and Daniil Strahov !!!

Ekaterina was 30 november on Warsaw Melody

Sumptuously! To tears!

Ol`ga was 06 april on Warsaw Melody

Very good performance

Zoya was 16 may on Warsaw Melody

The marvelous performance is subtle, elegant, with the brilliant work of Peresild and the excellent Strakhova. Perhaps, the performance of the level of that old Vakhtangovsky with Borisov and Ulyanov! Thank you!

Alla was 30 november on Warsaw Melody

A touching piercing performance! Many thanks!

Anastasiya was 08 march on Warsaw Melody

The spectacular show ... Peresild is incomparable .. Chopin's music and "voiceover" voice of the author Leonid Zorin's play raises the performance to such an emotional height that it becomes unbearable and at this moment it happens, excuse me for pathos, catharsis, in any case, it was with me that way. .. I did not just cry, I sobbed at the play, although I can not be called too emotional and exalted person, on the contrary, I am very rational, professionally hard and unsentimental person, but this performance "got" out of me all my weaknesses, all my tenderness ... Thanks to the creators of the play for it

Visitor was 08 march on Warsaw Melody

Very pleased!

Mariya was 23 february on Warsaw Melody

Very spiritual performance. Julia Peresild is absolutely wonderful, she is essentially the whole play, she is the main character, and Daniil Strakhov only helps her to shine on stage. And what a touching Polish accent! ... Beautiful production, but in the hall is not the best acoustics, in the middle of the stalls it was not very well audible. The administration of the theater should pay attention to this annoying moment.

Pozdnyakova El`vira Viktorovna was 08 march on Warsaw Melody

Stunning performance. Thank you very much for the pleasure.

Viktoriya was 29 march on Warsaw Melody

Very pleased!

Alena was 23 september on Warsaw Melody

A wonderful performance! :) The actors played with a bang! I will definitely come again)

Alla was 27 february on Warsaw Melody

The performance The Warsaw melody is the best I've seen in the last year, I admire the talent of everyone who created this miracle ,,,

Ol`ga was 30 november on Warsaw Melody

Very touching performance. Julia Peresild is so accustomed to the role of the polka, so that with her accent many scenes look more fun. Very emotional. Looked in the front row, the feeling that they are playing for you! Choose tickets closer to the scene always)

Ol`ga was 16 may on Warsaw Melody

In indescribable ecstasy! I liked the production very much

Uliya was 03 october on Warsaw Melody

A wonderful performance, a very penetrating play of actors. Not even a game, the actors literally lived on stage. thanks to Julia and Daniil

Valentina was 21 february on Warsaw Melody

Brilliant performance! Thank you!

Kseniya was 21 february on Warsaw Melody

I saw this play in various productions, but Sergei Golomazov exceeded all expectations. The magnificent game of Julia Peresil and Daniil Strakhov will not leave anyone indifferent to such a touching and complicated love story of Geli and Victor. How beautifully chosen the musical design, and the songs in the performance of Julia Peresild are so sensual, straight to the creeps. Bravo!

Ekaterina was 08 march on Warsaw Melody

The most delicate performance! Madly touching! Looks at one go. The whole room is tense, it feels great. 2 characters and such power! Only this story is not about the doom of love, but about its secret, that it continues, even if it is not destined to be happy.

Guzel` was 13 february on Warsaw Melody

This performance is about love, long in life. Overflowing with emotions, not requiring any explanation or conjecture. Everything is clear and easy to try on yourself. The heroes showed that very youthful first love, which has survived more than one year. And no politics, circumstances or distances can take away those warm and tender memories. Borders do not mean anything if you love and remember 10, 20 years later. And that's fine ..

Irina was 17 january on Warsaw Melody

Sumptuously! The best I've seen in years! Thank you

Uliya was 31 january on Warsaw Melody

The best gift for a birthday, this is a ticket for a performance. There is a melody of love, their melody ... And now the curtain opens, and from the first seconds I was chained to the love story. It seemed to me like I was there, along with the main characters, feeling every sigh, their pain and love at the same time. While watching the performance, I was afraid to even move, so as not to miss a single glance, not a single movement ... The melody that accompanies the characters throughout their life touches the viewer so much that it feels like they are playing on the strings of your soul. I really liked the idea of ​​snow, amazing and magical. The snow falls for meditation, helps to open the soul. Each stage of the performance won me over, but there are moments that will always remain with me ... Gel sharply kisses Victor and jumps up to him in his arms and he carries her away, carries them to their world where they alone are together. What kind of Daniel is a caring partner, as he imperceptibly adjusted Julia's dress and covered her coat legs. So imperceptibly, while still stroking it. Maybe someone did not notice, maybe for someone it does not mean anything, but for me such elusive moments mean everything ... Tufelti, those same shoes. How tenderly he dressed her on their feet, as if she was made of crystal. This moment was imbued with such love and no words were needed. I wanted to just stop the moment and that they were forever together ... I knew how the show ended and understood that it was coming to an end, and I so wanted to extend it, prolong their love story, prolong the emotions that the protagonists gave me . And here she is on the stage, and he is in the first row ... and the curtain is slowly closing to show us them again, as if at their first meeting. And I understand that their melody of love will live forever! It is impossible to express in words the admiration of the actors' play! And after leaving the theater and falling under the wet snowfall, I realized that this was not my last "Warsaw melody" on January 31, 2016

Viktoriya was 16 may on Warsaw Melody

Lovely performance !!!!!

Anna was 31 august on Cyrano de Bergerac

We love the theater in Malaya Bronnaya very much, and once again going to this theater, we knew that we would see a wonderful production. But what we saw is not just good, it's awesome. The play kept attention from the very first minutes to the last. Three-odd hours passed unnoticed. In the first act we laughed heartily, in the second it was sad, but no less interesting. The game of all actors at the highest level, but Cyrano - Grigory Antipenko, this is the one we spoke about and remembered a few more days after the performance. He did not play, he lived this role from beginning to end. So many emotions, so much tearing. It's hard for me to describe how incredibly he played. At first I did not believe that it was Antipenko who played, how much he reincarnated. Previously, this actor was indifferent to this actor, but now ... this is love! Bravo Gregory !!! I'm always wary of plays in verse, but then I'm absolutely not disappointed, even more, I and my companion were very fond of it. I advise the performance of Cyrano de Bergerac to everyone !!!

Margarita was 23 jule on Tartuffe

Awesome performance. The actors play is fascinating. Three hours flew by unnoticed.

Anna was 21 june on Salem Witches

The performance deserves all praise! Captures from the very beginning, from the first words, History is certainly interesting and terrible. Not in the sense that it was shown that something terrible, no, but the fact that one thought about what happened and actually happened, frightens. The actors play, as always in this theater, at the height. I really liked the music. In general, I can no doubt recommend this performance to everyone. Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, once again, gave a beautiful evening !!!

Tat`yana was 21 june on Salem Witches

They went with a friend to the premiere show of the Salem witches. I, frankly, already forgot when the last time I liked the production so much! Time flew by unnoticed. Plunge into the atmosphere from the very first sounds, and indeed, the musical design of the play deserves a special praise. Definitely, I advise everyone!

Anna was 12 may on Passion for Torchalov

I liked the performance! In some places it's funny, sometimes it makes you think. An interesting story, a wonderful game of actors. Time flew by unnoticed. I recommend!

Irina was 18 february on The Mystery of the Old Cabinet

Thank you very much for the performance. Good scenery, music, worthy of an ensemble ensemble. She spent 9 years watching the whole performance with great interest.

Anna was 30 may on Tartuffe

The performance is excellent! They laughed heartily. From Agrippina Steklova just delighted. We looked at one breath. Bravo!

Rustem was 11 march on TREES Dying

Were on the play 11.03.17. Very good performance. A wonderful play of actors. I recommend.

Anna was 17 june on The rabbit hole

From the performance just delighted! Julia Peresild is inimitable, does not play, but lives on stage. Emotions did not let go during the whole play, it was screaming shit. A very sad life story, which you can not help but hold back tears. After the performance, you remain impressed for a long time. I advise everyone!!!

Anna was 03 february on Pit

Were with my friend in the play 3.02.2017. Impressions are the most positive! The choreography is wonderful, even a spectator who does not know the plot, feels very well the emotions and sense of what is happening on stage, and this is the great merit of the artists. The performance is worth it to see it.

Ol`ga was 12 june on The Mystery of the Old Cabinet

I read reviews about the performance and bought tickets! She did not regret ever! She walked on February 5, 2017 with the boys of 9 years, the performance is lively, energetic. Musical, jokes and communication with the children's audience at a good level, all many thanks for the wonderful theatrical atmosphere! To continue to go, too, are going to!

Vera was 25 june on Cancun

Cancun - this is the second performance, which I was lucky enough to get into the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. The first was Almost. And he did not disappoint me! To that I am unspeakably happy. Cancun - a play about relationships, belated regrets .. to be if .. but we regret always, about what was done and about what did not .. So what is better to regret? About what they did? Or about what they did not do? He does not give an answer, but he shows two stories, what would have come of it. Everyone decides for himself! Maybe just try to stop feeling sorry about the past and start enjoying the present ?!

Ol`ga was 22 april on Prince Caspian

Olga was January 2, 2017. We watched the child for 8 years. Last year were at the play "The Secret of the Old Cabinet". Continued very much. The actors played with soul, they sang well. Costumes, scenery - everything is great!

Anna was 22 june on TREES Dying

The show was very much liked. It's fun, but at the same time makes you think. Actors play flawlessly, you believe every word. In the finals he sneaks to tears. Definitely I will advise the play to all friends!

Ludmila was 17 june on The rabbit hole

Watched on August 30, 2016.Spekazhel stunning. It's been 2 days, I still do not let go of emotions. The very story is very sad, the actors played great. Bravo!!!

Ekaterina was 17 june on The rabbit hole

The Rabbit Hole. Performance in the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya with Julia Peresild in the title role. But first about the other. My mother told me that at one of the last performances "Next - Silence" people almost kneeling crawled to the stage - to kiss the hands of the great Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya. I'm sure - in the acting life of Julia Peresild there will also be such moments. At least yesterday, I wanted to kiss her hands, thank, embrace and whisper softly: "Thank you, Julia, for having you." I did not have a bouquet, but I'll definitely buy it - from the most beautiful, delicate and light colors. Such as Julia. And I'll give it next time - apparently, I will always go to this theater. On a bow, I could not stand for a long time, because I was shocked. Devastated. Adored. And although the tears are already dry, I was still somewhere in the parallel universe, along with Becky ... But however, I do not need to retell the story, although it is known - there is a literary basis, there is a Hollywood film with Nicole Kidman. But it makes no sense to compare. The play is self-sufficient, and it must be watched without preparation, without planning and not anticipating. Not only the genius of Julia - and she is not good, not talented, but genius, but all the actors played at least well. As a maximum - very good. Not a single false note, the relevant minimalism of the scenery, the musical arrangement merges with the clean voices of the actors. Formed unity of greatness, which in our day to meet is infrequent. Until yesterday evening, the charts for my favorite performances included "Flowers for Algernon", "Warsaw Melody", "Drama on the Hunt", "King Lear", "Mysterious Variations". "Rabbit Hole" - beyond competition and internal ratings. Such performances do not cool down for decades. Such actresses are born once in an era. If you're lucky. Separately, I would like to mention the game of the well-deserved actress Vera Babicheva, who played the mother of Becky and Izzy. Very convincing. But the "Rabbit Hole" is still a solo performance with a sparkling accompaniment. Low bow, to you, Julia. Low bow to the creator - the director of the play and the art director of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya Sergei Golomazov Please continue. Your faithful viewer Ekaterina Gurkina

Irina was 15 june on Kolomba, Or "March to the Scene!"

Were at the play on October 16, the performance captures from the first minutes. A great production and a wonderful play of actors. They watched the heroes with bated breath! Very pleasant impressions after the performance, I advise you to look.

Elena was 14 june on Almost

A play about the miracle of love! A holiday for the soul! A few stories about love from the life of a small snow town. Snow, falling suddenly from the sky, as a symbol of arose love. Music! She takes the soul! Characters of different psychotypes. You can know yourself, your acquaintances.

Vladislav was 02 june on Cyrano de Bergerac

This Friday August 26 brought us a meeting with real Art ... Beautiful performance! We try to be in theaters quite regularly, there are our preferences, not the first production of "Cyrano ...", which was seen, and - the most impressive. Very good impression of the acting of the whole composition, the direction is excellent, everything and everything is in its place. We have not been to Malaya Bronnaya for a long time, now we are carefully studying the repertoire, we really hope for the continuation of the positive emotion that this unforgettable spectacle left in the soul. We sincerely thank the Theater!

Tat`yana was 23 october on Cancun

The performance is good, for couples with experience of family life.

Melitina was 17 june on The rabbit hole

Were on 05/03/2016. With the husband. They expected to see something more, of course the actors played convincingly, but the heart did not skip! The second half was hard. To fans of Yu. Peresild recommend to go, she was gorgeous. And for those who rarely go to theaters I do not recommend!

Kristina was 14 june on Almost

Good work of the whole theatrical collective, but the stories themselves are boring and created for the young spectator!

Kristina was 23 june on Pit

Excellent performance, excellent choreography, I'm thrilled. If you know the play, it looks the same!)

Alla was 28 january on Passion for Torchalov

Good performance. Have a good time. The themes touched upon in the play are very interesting and relevant to this day.

Aleksey was 10 march on Arcadia

Went to the play 10.03.2016. Masterpiece. I liked it very much: music, production, actors' play, director's ideas, a mixture of epochs. Looks at one go. I'll go again.

Uriy was 20 june on Formalin

Specific performance ...., but I liked it! First on the first, I want to ask everyone who will look, have patience and not make hasty conclusions from the very beginning of the production. Action is gaining momentum in the process. New heroes are added, their monologues become more and more understandable with every minute of the performance, and they acquire more and more emotional saturation! The plot is not for the faint of heart, and if taken too close to the heart, all that happens to the characters, you can get a nervous breakdown, and maybe even deprive the viewer of sleep! What, however, did not affect me, the cynical, burnt down! And, especially on the man who snored in the back row!)) I was very pleasantly amazed by the game of Samburskaya! Taki, straight, "dying" on stage! Well done! We all liked her game very much. I also note, perhaps, Alexander Bobrov and Andrei Arzyaev - their game slightly softened the too "peppered" production! But in general the performance turned out smart, tasty and tart!

Marina was 25 august on Auditor

Was on the auditor on August 25. Many thanks to all the cast of actors. Unexpectedly to see Strakhov in such a role, but played it superbly. I advise you to visit.

Guzeliya was 14 june on Almost

A wonderful performance. The actors play is incomparable, sometimes you forget that this is a scene.

Oksana was 13 june on Retro

Very touching and touching performance, I liked very much, in the end I could not even hold back tears. Thank you!!!!

Ekaterina was 20 august on Cancun

Went with my husband. It coincided that on this day celebrated the 10th anniversary of the wedding. We liked the play, where we laughed heartily, where we thought about it. Where they found themselves in the characters! The end is strange, a bit beyond the general idea. I would recommend this Cancun to people after 30-35. The actors have a special respect for the full performance of the whole performance, despite the fact that it was probably hard, because the night before they were pulling L. Durova ..

Sabir was 19 september on Retro

Humor at the highest level. Although in general a serious performance. Modern life.

Ramil` was 12 april on Auditor

Very good performance, but the first section is a little too tight! Excellent interpretation and play of actors !!!!

Elena was 12 june on The Mystery of the Old Cabinet

She attended the play with two children, first-timers, looked at one breath. Very colorful and cute staging. Be sure to go to the sequel "Prince Casspian".

Anton was 19 june on Auditor

The second act is much more interesting than the first. The director, in my opinion, is too namudryl.Pytayas reflect the realities of our days, lost the ease of comedy. Yes, and musical accompaniment would come sooner "Hamlet" than the "Auditor." The comedy of the performance is held on Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky, his wife The governor and her daughter and in one scene Khlopov played magnificently. Daniil Strakhov, of course, is a great actor, but he lacks something in the role of Khlestakov ... The others somehow got lost and their participation was rather boring ... In the second There is something to laugh at , If you can sit first.

Elena was 05 april on Prince Caspian

Went with a daughter of 9 years 5.04! Very pleased with the performance, bright, colorful, wonderful voices from the actors) Daughter really liked Prince Caspian) There is a desire to see the performances! Thank you)

Elena was 22 april on Prince Caspian

Great performance! The child of 5 years with pleasure sat through the whole time without taking his eyes off the stage! I highly recommend it to everyone !!!

Oleg was 12 may on Passion for Torchalov

Beautiful performance. Very necessary in our time. It seems to me that everyone will think about his life, his actions in the light of eternal values ​​and human relations. Bravo. I advise everyone to go.

Irina was 02 june on Cyrano de Bergerac

Traditional setting (without "raisins"). In general, an ordinary, sometimes boring, performance. Excellent game Antipenko!

Dar`ya was 02 june on Cyrano de Bergerac

Modern production, but with full preservation of the author's text, an unusual idea with costumes and decorations. Antipenko at the height! The only negative, the second part seemed a bit tight, but from the song you can not throw out the words) In general, the performance was pleased!

Tat`yana was 12 june on The Mystery of the Old Cabinet

Were with children 5 and 10 years. The performance was magnificent, the children looked at their mouths open. We will definitely go to Prince Caspian to this theater.

Sergey was 02 june on Cyrano de Bergerac

We watched in one breath. The work of the actors is exceptional! It is necessary to watch such performances!

Visitor was 12 june on Slavic Madness

A good merry comedy with jokes and dances. Modern problems in it are exposed and examined. The actors are gorgeous and positive. Decoration is colorful and attractive. Go and rest because everything ends wisely and well !!!

Ludmila was 31 december on Cyrano de Bergerac

Great performance !!!! Cyrano, performed by Grigory Antipenko, enchanting, magnificent, incomparable !!!

Ol`ga was 08 january on Cyrano de Bergerac

A stunning performance! We made a gift for the new year and are very happy about it. I liked everything - the warm atmosphere of the theater, the magnificent actors' play, and the original stage design. A fine actor's duet of Antipenko-Lomonosov. And all the other actors play with ecstasy. They do not even play, but literally live the plot of the play. Wonderful music. "Talking". Very subtly emphasizes the nuances of what is happening. And original, stylish costumes. Thank you!!!

Ekaterina was 06 january on Almost

There was 6.01. The idea and scenery are good, but the game of actors was not impressed at all. All the time I caught myself thinking that I was feeling at some diploma theatricals of graduates of a theatrical high school. The text was pouring out from absolutely all the actors as if they had been taught, taught, and memorized ... for C grade, in general.

Mariya was 12 june on The Mystery of the Old Cabinet

I went to this play with my seven-year-old daughter. We both enjoyed it immensely. A great acting game! Now we are going to go to the sequel. We recommend it to everyone.

Evgeniy was 28 december on Slavic Madness

A wonderful performance. With good humor and mood.

Inna was 21 january on Passion for Torchalov

We got a lot of pleasure from the performance, thank you.

Nelya was 25 january on Late love

Great performance. All liked it. Spivakovsky is a genius! Thanks BigBilet for convenient service.

Dmitriy was 12 june on Slavic Madness

The play was watched on September 30, but so far it has been impressed so remarkably that it was played. Very cheerful play. I recommend.

Ivan was 16 january on Tartuffe

Elegant performance! Looks at one go! All actors play at the highest level, plunging into a role without a trace! Particularly impressed was the brilliant work on the stage of Agrippina Steklov and Viktor Sukhorukov.

Only for children
Only adults
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